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Solutions of agricultural irrigation payment system:

Jul 24, 2018

I. Background: for agricultural irrigation in previous time, the vast of rural customers needed to switch on manually and walk around the field and the well to view the meter. The utility staff also needed to watch and read meters on the well manually, and charge fees of households one by one, therefore it was very inconvenient. Banner Electric has launched “Agricultural Irrigation Electrification” project, with self-help closing and restoration functions. This function mainly realizes the remote powering-off and restoration, so that the rural customers and utility employees do not need to switch on the valve manually, and the convenience of “Internet +” and sharing economy is brought to the countryside fields. The project eliminates excessive charges of intermediate links and problems like random price increases and arbitrary charges. While satisfying the electricity demand of peasant household, it also provided a new solution for “One Meter for Several Households” public well applications.

 II. Solutions: Based on Scanning QR Code for Irrigation - Sharing Economy Based Service of “One Meter for Several Households”, combined with thinking of “Internet+ and sharing service”, the electricity consumption collection system is integrated, the terminal and intelligent meter resources are collected, and “Agricultural Irrigation Electrification” scanning electricity service is developed on the basis of the sharing resource of irrigation public wells and the interaction channel of cellphone Apps to provide users with “Scanning QR Code for Irrigation” service, realize the long-distance closing of the well , real-time cost calculation, and automatic deduction of electricity charges, so as to provide customers with convenient and efficient electricity services. The project can effectively solve “choke” problem of power supply service for grass-roots wells, improve the efficiency and level of grass-roots power supply services, and meet the customer demand for irrigation power services. After the irrigation user scans QR code on the intelligent electricity meters by using the APP, the system will automatically verify the file status, authority, and meter communication status, and the user can carry out the remote switch-on, system real-time cost calculation, remote cutting-off after power usage, automatic calculation of electricity fee and deduction of charges via a self-help manner. The project can also provide customers with convenient and quick power services, reduce the work pressure of grassroots staff, and solving the problems caused by common management and electricity bill charging, therefore realizing a new service mode of “One Meter for Several Households” and “Several Meters for One Household” well power supply services. Fig. 1 Schematic Diagram of “One Meter for Several Households” Technology Framework of Agricultural Irrigation Electrification Project.